Subject:                    Public Questions


Date of Meeting:     27 February 2023


Report of:                 Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law


Contact Officer:      Shaun Hughes



Wards Affected: All






1.1      To receive any questions submitted to Democratic Services.




2.2      That the Committee responds to the questions.


Housing and Policy & Resources Joint Special Committee


Public Questions


1.    From: Daniel Harris




Families who are benefit capped are some of our most poor tenants, capped at high rents, which are included in the overall cap does nothing to help these families, I remember a SCH Tenant one who was benefit capped and had £70 per month left to live off with 4 children, they came to council, their next door neighbour who was council was paying £1000 less per month. How feasible is it for the council to implement a policy of ring-fencing 25% of the homes discussed at social rents and amending this based on the needs of occupants who are benefit capped?




You mention in 3.7, £28.5m was generated from the lease agreement, for refurbishment of leased stock and to deliver improvements to the retained HRA stock, can you confirm how that £28.5m was generated? where did the rental income go?


2.    From: Jim Deans



Sussex Homeless Support and other support networks including foodbanks already provide support to many tenants in Seaside Properties, This is a bad or bad situation there seems like no win in it, therefore much more care and planning needs done on the options. My biggest concern is the suggestion that they are only able to suggest Temp Accommodation use due to LHA. This needs properly looked at with many more agencies involved.


I fear we are trapping people in rent debt and on benefits due to the LHA + this document suggests the LHA is still not enough to run it so BHCC top up. so If a tenant on benefits found work, what would the real rent be? certainly not affordable, so living in a council home, paying double council rent... this cannot be correct. I would request a public involved meeting regarding this proposal"


Jim Deans

Sussex Homeless Support